Speaks truth Or dosent Imagine if the Zelda world did not have gods or. Morsheen brings her up to worship and uphold the doctrine of Majora and become a priestess at a young age. The twenty sixth Hyrule Historia mission from Hyrule: Total War. I have only claimed it is an attempt at what I would rather have out of a Zelda game, and I do not want that to be misunderstood. For the name of the campaign, well the main demonic deities are manifestations of sins/ideas/emotions (Demise is Wrath, Vaati is Ego, Bellum is Hunger, etc.). Morsheen decides to personally raise the girl as her daughter. Hyrule: Total War is not perfect, and I have never claimed that it is better in any way, shape or form to other official Zelda games. The setting overall is also based on the Hyrule Total War/Conquest mods rather than any of the main games, hence the map in Setting Details being what it is as well as some of the factions. However, what will the eventual Hyrule Historia campaign in Hyrule Conquest be like? With the absence of Ikana, the Twili, and the Church of Majora, will it be vastly different? Someone commented on the complete Hyrule Conquest Faction Icons DeviantArt post, saying that 'Agahnim's armies are going to be the ones to invade Hyrule at the end of the story,' not Majora. Some time after this, the Twili Yorinu is offered to the Church of Majora by her parents at birth. Just very recently have I begun to play Hyrule Conquest, which is why I probably have no place in asking this. In truth, I have been looking at the lore behind Hyrule: Total War for a while, but never played the game.